Vicia faba L. (partim)
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:50,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.95€
Broad beans "Jankiel Bialy".
An excellent dietary product for diseases of the kidneys, liver and intestines.
Medium early (from germination to technical ripeness 75-90 days) variety, to consumer ripeness of young beans - 35-45 days
The plant is erect, tall, medium leafy. Pods are fleshy, long, wide, strongly curved.
The grains are large, white in milky ripeness, and beige when ripe.
The value of the variety: cold resistance, disease resistance, uniform grain ripening, good taste.
The beans ripened and harvested in the phase of milky-wax ripeness are used for culinary processing, canning, and freezing.
The fleshy beans are used in everyday cooking and canning. They are rich in high quality protein, sugars, vitamins, essential amino acids and fiber.
Beans are one of the healthiest foods and an important ingredient in lean and fasting diets.
1,0 g = 1-2 seeds.
Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water until they swell. Seeds are sown in open ground to a depth of 5-8 cm.
Sowing in open ground: April - May.
Distance between plants: 20 cm.
Row spacing: 60 cm.
At the beginning of mass flowering, the tops of the shoots are pinched to accelerate ripening.
Plants need timely watering, weeding, loosening and feeding.
Harvesting: July - August.

Eng.: Broad beans. Bot.: Vicia faba L. var. major Harz.

* Getting your own seeds.
Caution: the broad beans are prone to over-pollination, so keep spatial isolation when propagating two or more varieties. Due to the limited size of the plot, the gardener often has to be satisfied with one variety for this reason.
The shelf life of seeds is 10-12 years. However, good germination of seeds lasts no more than 4-5 years. Vegetable bean pollen is carried by honey bees and bumblebees.
They begin harvesting for seeds when the lower beans turn black. The stems are pulled out and ripened in sheaves. Threshing is carried out manually (hulling seeds from the valves).
30-50 g of seeds are collected from one plant.

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